* He's imitating our words now. I can't name all the words right now, but if we say it a few times, he will say it also. There's a lot now. Yaaaay!!!
* He knows where the milk is at and if he wants more, he will hand you his cup and run to the fridge and tries to open it himself.
* He loves having his hair dried with the hair dryer. It's weird, but I think he thinks it's equal to us getting messages, aha! He looks like he's in heaven.
* He gets on our couch or chairs and brings a blanket with him to cover himself up and watches TV.
* He's sleeps 12 to 14 hours straight. He was NOT like this until he was 8 months, so the first 8 months were HARD on us.
* He's independent for the most part, so I can get things done while he plays.
* He's still a picky eater, so sometimes we stick to the same foods, just so he will eat.
* The boy loves to dance!!
He went to the doctor and his stats are basically the same as his 15 months, aha! He's 90th% for his head circumference, he's 25th% for weight (he only gained a few ounces) and he's 90th% for height. (he's starting to slow down on growing as fast)
So, 23 lbs/10 oz weight and 34 inches for height. He got 3 shots, poor guy and he did not take it like a trooper either. :( I hate when he's in pain.
Here are a few pics I took last night, because he was in a good mood. So, why not! He never smiles for me once I have my camera out, so I was very surprised. Of course I threw in his I am so mad at you face as well.

My Favorite pic!