Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Forgotten Pictures…

I forgot about these pictures when we went to the fair in Greensboro. My friend won free tickets for the fair, which included the fair admission, parking pass and tickets for the rides and well she couldn’t go, so I got them. :) Ahhh, it pays off to kiss up be nice to your friends, huh? Also, as you can tell, Skylar was masking his enthusiasm, by being well…“Skylar”. :) Ha…I swear we don’t torture him to do things.








Crystal Johnson said...

Ha! That's because you straped a torture device to his back... Just kidding, wish I had a leash for my little monkeys!

Jamie said...

Is that a leash? I was going to comment on what a cool backpack Sky has - ha!! I love when kids wear backpacks! Very cute - and I didn't even know G-Boro had a fair?

The Presnell's said...

Yeah, the GSO fair is NO Dixie Classic, but hey, it was free.

The Monkey is a backpack that you can latch on the tail as a leash, haha...but we only use it as a backpack, because he loves that thing.