Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New Posts and updates

Today we went for his 2 year well visit. Poor thing had 2 shots and had to have blood taken from his finger to test for lead. Poor guy. He cried, but soon got over it, once he realized we were leaving.

His stats are good. He's healthy, very very active (the doctor noted) and growing like he should.

He weighed in at 25.6 (he was 26 pounds last week, weird huh?) 25th percentile
He is 35 1/2 inches tall 75th percentile
His head is 49.5 Cm 75th percentile

His head is starting to finally catch up with his body I'm guessing, haha!

Good news is that we are bribing Skylar with M&Ms and he's been pottying better now. No #2's yet, but we'll get there. Below are recent posts or you can scroll down.

Happy Birthday skylar
Day after the Fun
Skylar's big day

Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Skylar!

Today is Skylar's actual birthday and I went to his daycare to celebrate with him and his little friends. He wore his super cute shirt from Saturday (washed of course), since today was his day! We had cookies and fruit chews with Milk, yum!!

I had hats for everyone, but of course those are hard to stay put on toddlers who are on the move. Skylar kept his on though. I think he was more excited about the cookies.

Smiling as they were singing Happy Birthday to him, well the teachers and I really, ahah!

Please pray for this little guy...

I have a lot to post from this weekend's festivities, but came across this today. Please see the link for Stellan and keep them in your prayers.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day after the fun

Today was another hot day! I think we sweated off 10 pounds easily! So, we just relaxed and well,... stayed put around the house. :) We enjoyed all the left over food, which was a lot (still is) and got some presents out of their boxes and played!

Playing with his new dump truck. He can sit in the back of it too!
Aren't these cars Classic? Also, doesn't it look like a Smart Car, ahah! He loves it!

He now has his own bike. He loves it, although from this picture he was mad, because he wanted to get on it so badly. We were not fast enough.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Skylar's Big Day

Today was sweltering HOT!! I mean...not just hot, BUT HOT!! I just want to make sure I emphasized that. Exhibit 1 for reference. :) Nothing like having a birthday party in the heat of summer.
We had a good little turn out for his Dump Truck themed party. Skylar loves trucks, cars...well anything that moves and has wheels really. I mean, he's a boy ya know. :) The kids ranged from 1 1/2 years to 10 years of age.

The details and photos to follow~

*Construction hard hats
*Magnetic foam photo frames that you can decorate with foam stickers ("Build your own Frame")
*Chocolate dumptruck or car suckers that were either yellow/brown chocolate, pink/brown chocolate or purple/brown chocolate

Food: (LOTS and LOTS)
*Marinated Pork skewers (my mom's friend Lydia made)
*Marinated Porkchops (my mom's friend Lydia made)
*Lumpia (Fried Eggs Rolls) (my mom's friend Lydia made)
*Fried Bananas or Plantains (not sure of the Filipino name for this is, if there is one) ( My mom made)
*Pancit (Filipino cuisine) (My Mom's friend Maria made)
*Mom's Famous baked mac and EXTRA cheese!! (OMG, YUM)
*Potato Salad (My mom's friend Maria made)
*Home Cooked Fried Chicken (My Mom Rocks)
*Golden Coral honey buttered Rolls (My sister Mely rocks)
*TONS of pizza (Terry and I didn't do the math correctly)
*Fruit (that I realized I left in the Fridge when I was cleaning up later)
*Steamed Rice
side note- this is where Terry and I didn't realize about all the food above was being brought to our party. It's definitely a Filipino thing. You don't go to a party without food, ahah! So, in not knowing about the above, we had already ordered several boxes of pizza.
We were seriously, going to just have pizza, fruit and dessert, LOL

*Dirt Cake (placed in the back of the dump truck)
*Chocolate and vanilla cupcakes with crushed oreos on top to look like dirt

The dump truck is his birthday present from us and the dirt cake was inside itUp close shot of the dirt cake with the worms and spiders (It's like Fear Factor at our parties)
Cup cakes (courtesy of Emily's capture)

*Beer (I believe I was the only one who was drinking, haha)
*Different Sodas
*Wine (My mom and her friends were enjoying)

*Made by Pamela...oh yeah, me!

*Party City for Balloons
*Dollar tree for plates, napkins....
*Oriental trading for the hats and foam frames
*Caution tape, courtesy of PRL Asset protection team
*Ebay for Birthday shirt, cupcake toppers, pinata

Virtual shout outs:
*Crystal's Blog "Life is Grand" for her Photo Booth project she did for her son's 1 year birthday party.

Now on to the massive amount of pictures in NO specific order, because well...that would take forever to sort, ha! I didn't get a lot of pictures that I wanted, but I did get the photo booth shots, so that's all that matters. ;) I'll post some of those another time.

These letters were supposed to look like caution cones and little stop signs, but Terry told me after wards, that they looked like Candy Corn, ahah! Oh well....still cute.
Excited faces over the cupcakes
Skylar blowing out his candle with the help of his mom.
Digging in with no trouble at all.

One picture with his birthday hat on that we kept forgetting about and misplaced through out the party, aha!

Zeb eating his cupcake (He's such a cute little boy)
Playing hard with daddy
Look how high Ayden is jumping! He turns 2 next. :)

We look like twins, well sort of, haha!

It's pinata time with the little dump truck

Emma taking a whack at it.
Mom talking to Skylar's little friends
My mom having fun with her friends
Yasmine and my dad
Skylar's Maw Maw and Paw Paw as well as Mammaw Lou enjoying the day. They were so funny that day in the photo booths!
Mom's friends who cook so well!
Relaxing on dad
Present time
Loving our present from Crawford, especially the soccer ball and goal.
Loving his bike from his Great Mammaw

Skylar really is such a sweet boy and I think he enjoyed his birthday this year. He didn't care that the other kids were playing with his toys. I think he knew this party was for him.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Getting ready for Skylar's party...

Yep and I'm already exhausted! I know...and it hasn't even started yet. I can't believe my Sky-Dogg is turning 2. Craziness! Two years ago, I was doing everything remotely possible to get Skylar out. I'm so glad he's here and healthy and of course perfect.

Skylar at 2 Months Old

Skylar a few days shy of his 1 year birthday

Skylar being Skylar a few days shy of his 2 year birthday

Thursday, July 16, 2009

We're home sick today...

Well Skylar is sick. Unfortunately, I think he might be getting another ear infection. One of his tubes completely fell out and the other is half way out, as of last month. So, the tube that's still in might be completely out as of now. Good thing though, is that we already have a scheduled doctor's appt to check on his ears today. So, we are hanging out at the house and I am multi-tasking until then.

Oh, by the way, Skylar likes the Price is Right. This is totally cracking me up!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Skylar is almost 2

I still can't believe my little man is REALLY no longer a baby. Sure... he pitches his fits, by lying down on the floor flailing his arms and kicking his feet if I don't give him his juice fast enough or if I take something away from him that he somehow got his hands on (I.E. knife on counter=tall and curious toddler), but that's normal. Or so I say it is. :)

Skylar has started to eat more for us, or at least try more foods and will eat more than a bite at a time. Yes, he is still very skinny, but he's growing and that's all that matters to me. Plus he's happy 99% of the time. (revert to above paragraph for that 1%)

Here are his likes:

* Water (Pool, Sprinkler, bath time, bottled water, beach...)
* HOT DOGS (he screams this before bed time to try and pro-long the "night night" bed time)
* Cookies (gosh....I wished he didn't know where we kept this)
* Feeding Ralphie (he feels he's doing his part and feeding him his dog food, plus whatever he drops on the floor, Ralph helps him by eating it right up!
* Taylor Swift (we dance in the car with the shoulder lift, ha)
* Dancing to music at the house
* Throwing things away for mommy
* Swinging
* Dora the Explorer for show and Bridges of Tarabithia (crazy, I know) and Cars for movies
* Riding in his umbrella stroller
* Riding in the bike carrier with Daddy when we all ride bikes

Here are his Dis-likes:

* Daycare drop off. (he still hates this part of the day and it makes me so
sad to leave him, although 1 minute after I leave he's fine, ugh)
* Pottying on the potty all the time (we're working on this still big time)
* Talk Radio (ugh....bye bye Two guys named Chris)
* Eating in a restaurant
* Naps (once he's asleep, he's fine, but he doesn't try to take a nap on his
* Not being able to go outside (who cares if it's raining)
* Being told to go to time out, ha! (I mean, who does?)

In general, he's so happy, very friendly and has the most energy than any kid his age, well that I have witnessed so far. I mean....LOTS.... He has no fear too, which also scares us.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Having fun outdoors...

We forgot about Skylar's Sprinkler that he got last year for his first birthday, whoops! So, we got it out, blew off the dust and tested that baby out! Skylar loves the water! So, we have been playing with Elmo quite a lot here lately.

With Words Wednesday...

Who am I kidding, I always put in my captions, ha! :) So, it's now "With Words Wednesday"!

Here lately, I've been playing around with my camera and thought this building was really cool and of course my very cool fam made it even better. This is downtown Greensboro, right off Elm.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

So behind...yikes!

So, two weeks ago, we went to the beach with Skylar's Maw Maw and Paw Paw (Terry's mom and step-dad). We decided on North Myrtle this time which, by the way I think will be a permanent thing going forward. It was so nice there! I think reality hit and that I'm now a grown up mom. :) No more cruising the strip in my 5.0, with my rag top down, so my hair can blow...wait a minute. :) I can do that in Skylar's G-wagon green safari wagon in the neighborhood. :)

Ok, here are the pictures....there's lots and I think that's why I waited so long to upload them all. :)

We got crazy at Myrtle, it was Senior Week 2009!!!
The only picture I got of me at the beach....see I was there. :)