Thursday, November 25, 2010

New pictures and some may have even made the Christmas cards…

So, since I received my promo code for the 50 free shutterfly cards, I needed new pictures to showcase us all.  The past 3 years, it was always all about Skylar on the cards and don’t get me wrong, he’s definitely the best looking of us 3, but I feel like we should be in our cards too, ah!

So, we went to the new Botanical Gardens a mile from our house and we started to snap away.  Even Terry took some pictures.  Smile We had several good shots, but not to bore you all, here are the few several pictures that I liked a lot. 

sky and hat bw

My sweet good looking Boys!

sky and tree

Skylar was jumping up and down here.

sky bw

This is not the kind of poses I like usually and well…when he did it, it melted my heart. Terry came up with this pose for Skylar. 

sky hat

Heartbreaker in the making. 

sky bw2


sky plaid shirt

Skylar looks a little creepy here huh?  haha…or that he just set my shoes on fire… and I don’t know yet.

me (1 of 1)sky and i bw

Terry took these picturessky and i sepia

Love my Skylar!




Jamie said...

These pics are great!! I can't wait to get my Christmas card

Diza Hanifa Hernawan said...

waaw,wonderful ^^